Mr. G.v. Prinsterenlaan 73
1181TP Amstelveen
Pelikaanstraat 51A
1171 DG Badhoevedorp
Wij zijn telefonisch bereikbaar van maandag t/m vrijdag van 08:30-17:00 op het nummer: 085 4899931. Mocht u liever een e-mail sturen? Maak dan gebruik van het onderstaand contactformulier. Vul uw gegevens en bericht in en wij nemen zo spoedig mogelijk contact met u op. Wij zijn geregistreerd lid NVO-NRO.
The Dutch Register of Osteopathy (NRO) monitors the quality of training and the quality of the osteopath's professional practice. (LINK
The Dutch Association for Osteopathy (NVO) promotes the interests of osteopathy in the Netherlands. The organisation advocates for scientific recognition of osteopathy. (LINK
Osteopathy Sassen is both registered with the NRO and NVO.
The practice has enclosed treatment rooms, ensuring your privacy. The osteopath keeps a record of your medical and administrative data in order to be able to carry out your treatment in the best possible way. The Personal Data Protection Act applies to this registration. The osteopath will handle your data with care. The osteopath may not pass on data to third parties without your permission.
The General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) procedure describes how the requirements of the AVG are met within Osteopathy Sassen. This law is applicable as of 25 May 2018.
Within the practice, there is only one controller (the owner) and there are no other processors of personal data.
Capturing personal data:
There are two situations within the company where personal data is recorded:
- For the purpose of administration.
This includes: name, address, phone number, email and date of birth.
Purpose: This data is used to send the invoice to the patient by email. Resource: the osteopathy software package Crossuite and accounting.
- For the purpose of medical records.
The medical record contains the, according to the AVG, special category of personal data. The processing of this special category of personal data is not prohibited for healthcare professionals when the processing is necessary for the proper treatment of the person concerned or the management of professional practice. First, this concerns the information as requested in the intake form and involves data about the patient's health. This information is provided by the patient himself. Secondly, the file contains the consultation reports.
Purpose: To provide proper treatment, involving the preparation of the examination and treatment plan and its adjustment. Under the Medical Treatment Agreement Act (WGBO), healthcare providers are obliged to keep medical records. Resource: intake form and consultation reports, stored in osteopathy software package Crossuite.
Sharing with third parties:
The medical record is not shared with third parties (GP, health insurer, etc.) unless the patient has given permission.
Medical record retention period:
Practices are required to keep patients' medical records for 15 years 'or as much longer as follows from the care of proper care'. For minors, the retention period starts from the eighteenth year of life. Medical records of deceased patients must be kept for another 15 years after the last change in the record.
Patient privacy rights:
Patient privacy rights are listed both on the website under Privacy Statement and in the appointment confirmation.
Privacy statement:
During the first consultation you will be asked for your name and address, your complaint and medical history. Your data are covered by professional secrecy and will not be disclosed to other third parties (GP, health insurer, etc) unless you have given your consent. Your medical file will be kept for 15 years in accordance with the law. You have the right to inspect your medical file and the right to request correction or deletion of your personal data.
General Data Protection Regulation manual:
Complaints and disputes Wkkgz. If you have any questions about the complaints and disputes procedure, please contact the NRO secretariat. (LINKÂ The secretariat does not deal with the substance of the complaint but refers directly to the complaints officer and/or the appropriate commission.
NRO Secretariat
Janssonius Avenue 32
3528 AJ Utrecht
Tel: 030 - 3040015
[email protected]