Osteopathy Sassen is located in Amstelveen and Badhoevedorp.

In addition, we offer home visits for pregnant, post-partum and infants in Amsterdam.

As of June 1, 2024, the Amsterdam and Den Dungen branches will be closed.

From June 2024, it will be possible to book home visits online for your baby and for women with postpartum symptoms in Amsterdam. We believe that a good start is crucial for both baby and mom. That is why we offer the right guidance and treatment for both your baby and mom at your home. If you would like to schedule a home visit now, you can do so by calling 085-4899931.

Do you have complaints such as neck pain, back pain, tailbone pain, abdominal complaints, headaches, migraines, pregnancy complaints, pregnancy wish, fertility complaints, menopause complaints, hyperventilation or burnout complaints? Or does your baby have sleep problems, preferred posture, crying fits, intestinal cramps or reflux? Then Osteopathy Sassen is the right place for you.

Osteopathy Sassen helps people recover from physical complaints.

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As an osteopath, I start from the self-healing ability of the human body. Everything in the body must be able to move in order to function and recover optimally. By looking for loss of movement in the body and treating these, the balance in the body is restored.

The power of osteopathy is that it looks at the underlying cause of a complaint. The body is viewed as a total system, focusing on the spine, pelvis, skull, organs, muscles, blood vessels and nervous system. Osteopathy is not a form of physical therapy.

For more information on what osteopathy entails, please continue reading here

About Osteopathy


Mother and child


Osteopathy for babies & toddlers

Osteopathy for children

Osteopathy for adults

Osteopathy for pregnant women