Babies, children, young adults, adults, pregnant women and the elderly can all visit the osteopath. Treatment is tailored to each person's specific needs.
Below is a list of different complaints for which osteopathy can provide a solution. If your complaint is not listed, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss the possibilities with you.
Indication osteopathy regarding the musculoskeletal system:
- Back and neck complaints
- Sciatica
- Hernia
- Pelvic pain, pelvic instability (including during pregnancy and after childbirth)
- complaints after trauma, falls, sprains or other injuries
- Joint complaints such as pain and/or stiffness such as shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, foot
- Reduced function of muscles and joints
- difficulty sitting upright and arching the back
- The effects of an inappropriate attitude
- Radiation in limbs
- Heavy legs
- Jaw problems
- Whiplash complaints and other post-traumatic complaints
- Rigid scar tissue and adhesions that have developed after surgery, caesarean section, abdominoplasty, radiotherapy, breast surgery, mastectomy, breast reduction or breast augmentation.
Indication osteopathy regarding stress-related complaints
- Concentration problems
- Emotional stress
- Increased tension
- Complaints after concussion
- Complaints during or after burnout/overstrain
- Chronic fatigue complaints
- Not feeling good about yourself, not feeling fit experiencing a reduced energy level compared to one, six months ago or longer.
- General complaints after (abdominal) surgery such as scar tissue or pain
- Headaches, migraines, tension headaches, facial pain
- Dizziness
Indication osteopathy regarding impaired function of body systems
- allergies, hay fever
- lowered resistance
- recurrent cystitis
- urological complaints: incontinence complaints
- digestive complaints, irritable bowel syndrome
- lung complaints, respiratory complaints
- Recurrent sinusitis or ear infections
- Unexplained abdominal pain: upset stomach, intestinal discomfort, constipation/diarrhoea, nausea, bloating
- circulatory problems: heavy legs, restless legs, menstrual complaints, swelling, etc.
- Recurrent sinusitis or ear, nose and throat problems
- Crying babies
- Sleep problems
- Swallowing and sucking problems, difficulty drinking
- Preferred head or trunk position
- Irregular or flattened skull
- (pseudo-)Reflux
- Bowel cramps, disturbed bowel movements; constipation, diarrhoea, flatulence
- Throat, nose and ear problems
- Overstretching
- Over-stimulation and agitation
- Major agitation when dressing and undressing
- Problems of the clavicle
- Tension and stiffness in torso, arms and legs
- congenital hip dysplasia
- Not wanting to crawl, late learning to walk
- KISS syndrome
- Eczema and allergies
- Headache
- Back pain, neck pain
- Scoliosis
- Joint complaints
- Complaints after a fall
- Abdominal pain with no apparent medical cause
- Constipation, diarrhoea
- Throat, nose and ear problems; e.g. recurrent ear infections
- Eczema and allergies
- Asthma
- Motor development problems
- Supporting behavioural and learning problems such as hyperactivity, dyslexia
- Bedwetting
- Pelvic pain, painful tailbone, painful pubic bone
- Back and neck pain
- Complaints between the shoulder blades
- Headache
- Shortness of breath
- Acid regurgitation
- Digestive complaints
- Obstipation
- Congestion in the legs
- Tingling in arms/fingers
- Radiating pain in the limbs
- Bladder problems
- Excessive fatigue
- Painful and/or irregular menstruation
- Pain during intercourse
- Pelvic pain
- Pain in the lower abdomen
- Pain at tailbone
- Tense pelvic floor
- Heavy feeling in the pelvis or legs
- Discomforts after childbirth
- Complaints after gynaecological surgery including curettage
- Urination
- Sagging of bladder or uterus
- Recurrent bladder infections
- Fertility problems without medical obvious cause
- scars and adhesions following breast surgery, radiotherapy, mastectomy, tummy tuck or breast augmentation.